



We are excited to announce that starting in February, Guiding Star Siouxland will be utilizing the lower level of the East Wing as their new office space. Guiding Star Siouxland is a pro-life organization that “provides one-stop access to services and support for women’s physical, mental and familial health” by supporting woman through fertility issues, childbirth, baby clothes closet, diaper/formula bank and educational classes.

 For more information on Guiding Star Siouxland, you can visit:

 Join us in celebrating this partnership in impacting our community by reaching beyond ourselves.


On January 21st, the 9th annual Sioux Center Operation Prom took place.  This year we helped 22 young ladies, representing 8 different schools, find a dress!! 

We strive to make sure this ministry is more than just receiving a dress.  Ephesians 5:1 says, “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children; live a life of love.” When a young woman comes through our doors, we see it as an opportunity to demonstrate Christ’s love.  We get to spend an hour or so, loving each girl, helping them find a dress, shoes, accessories, and either a bible or devotional.  We are humbled to see how God works through this ministry and the people who are part of it. 

God has been faithful in the last 9 years of our ministry work.  He has taken care of every need and even exceeded any expectation we have had.  We are blessed with multiple ministry partners-FRC + Granite, Hummingbird Events and BEST ministries.

If you are interested in being part of this event, please let one of our committee members know! Kayla Van De Berg, Diane Van De Berg, Kyra Hietbrink, Amanda Hulstein, Julie Oldenkamp or Dawn Mars would love to hear from you!



The Ownership Covenant is a document that members of the church will have the opportunity to sign annually to indicate their commitment to and engagement with the church.  It will identify those persons who are committed to actively participating in the life of the church.  In no way does this document change the status of membership in our church.  Members are those who are baptized and have professed their faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  The Ownership Covenant gives members the opportunity to take a step forward in the life of the church…to take responsibility for their membership and to renew the commitments they made in their profession of faith. Owners agree to a higher level of commitment with the church.  Owners may be asked to serve on the board and will be invited to vote on matters of the church.  Owners will also provide the vital communication to the board through the Ownership Linkage work of Policy Governance.  As need arises, the board will look to owners for feedback as they lead the congregation into the future.

Members will be asked to sign the Ownership Covenant at the beginning of each year.  Why annually?  Members may be in a season of life in which they cannot commit to serving and being fully engaged in the life of the church.  During that season, they may choose not to sign the Covenant.  As life circumstances change, they may decide to again engage more deeply and can choose to sign the agreement at that time.  Members may move away from the area and are no longer engaged in the life of the church. Other members may choose to not sign the Covenant but will remain a valuable member of the church. Signing the Ownership Covenant helps leaders discern who the Owners are; the voices that will be the communication link between the congregation and the board. The Ownership Covenant will be available to be signed at any time throughout the year, but it will be intentionally rolled out each December and January.

Many of you are fully engaged in the church and serving faithfully.  The board sincerely appreciates your heart for the Mission and Vision of the church.  We appreciate you and look forward to continuing to work side by side with you.

Copies of the Ownership Covenant will be available in the church office or at Next Steps every Sunday.  The board asks that all members prayerfully consider signing the Covenant to become Owners and return it to the church office or put it in the Joy Boxes before March 13.


Our first annual College Chili Bash was a success! We enjoyed the opportunity to come together to serve college students chili and cinnamon rolls at both campuses on February 13th!